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Day 1

It has been a long time coming but we finally did it. We started SOG’s first project, Food for Thought. I wouldn’t say we started with a hiss and roar but we’ve started and that is the main thing. On Monday when it came one o’clock, the time we were supposed to start, we had two children in the venue. They trickled in after this and we ended up with eight. Although this is not a large number, it suits us fine at the moment as it allows us to get systems in place without a million screaming kids running around!

We fed them a rice and pumpkin bake with an egg, tomato and lettuce salad. The kids enjoyed the meal and most of them got stuck into the salad which is a great sign. We weren’t sure if they’d like the salad or not! One very encouraging sign is the keenness of the ladies in the kitchen. There is a great working vibe within and the mothers who are volunteering for us are stepping up. Ellie is in charge of the kitchen at the moment and enjoying their enthusiasm.

We involved the kids in some theatrical games. Valeria has a load of great games up her sleeve that we played with them. We had a couple of challenging boys during the activities but it was something that we expected. Valeria also had her cell phone stolen at some stage during the meal and activity. This is the reality that we are faced with in the location that we are based, so it is a good lesson for us on the first day. It’s as simple as removing the temptation.

All in all, very happy with the first day. Kids turned up, ate food, played games. Win. We have a few things to work on but I have no complaints really!

I’m having trouble with uploading photos but I will have some up soon. Peace.